York appeals to his citizens

September 19, 2013 By: Alcor Stratics Category: Siege Perilous News

Newly elected governor of Moonglow, York, has issue the following notice his citizens:

A Call to the Citizens of Moonglow

Any successful community needs a method to expand the voice of the citizens. This is why I would like to invite the citizens to represent their respective field and be the voice of the people. I am looking for some citizens of Moonglow to volunteer to help create a livelier atmosphere in our town. The positions are listed below. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to express interest.

Positions Needed

Trades (blacksmiths, tailors, carpenters, bowcrafters, fisherman, etc.): to promote trade within the town and to speak for the merchants and crafters of Moonglow.

Animal Tamer: to promote donations to the zoo. Also to speak for the tamers.

Magical Arts: to speak for the mages, alchemists, and other magic users.

Combative Arts: to speak for the warriors of Moonglow.

Town Host: to promote and host events. Also to be the voice of outsiders that visit.

Arts and Treasure Seekers: to provide a forum for bards, treasure hunters, painters, and the like.

Guards: to patrol and to seek out those lurking on the island that wish to murder our fair citizens. Also to patrol the city limits to kill any stray water elemental or mongbat that happens to wander into the town. If, and I understand a big if, we have five or more guards, a captain will be named.


Be a citizen of Moonglow.

Reply to a (simple) questionnaire a few days before the King’s Council meetings.

A high level of skill in the position applied for (e.g. The Speaker for Magic would probably need to be at least GM in magery, necromancy, etc.).

The ability to help with fund raising (for the trade deal) and events. This would require helping refine ideas into a workable plan and working together to help it come together.

Non-faction – this should help foster a non-PvP environment within the town.

If in a guild, must be a non-PvP guild and not working with the factions (exceptions: PvP guilds not at war can be considered for guards).

Non-red – reds are of course welcome in the town, but it would be nice if they chose to keep their lust for blood outside the city limits.

You need a fast pigeon [ICQ] – it’s an easy way to keep in touch.

Keep in mind that all I can offer in return is a title (your choice, within reason) that lasts only for the duration of my term. Your service will be largely voluntary. Due to how small the town population is, one person can represent more than one grouping. For example, a mage/tamer could represent the magic users and tamers and they could also be a guard. All positions have a maximum limit of one with the exceptions of the guards which can have as many as we can get.

You can let me know you’re interested using a fast pigeon. My coop number is 684283582 (York-Siege).

Thank you,

Governor of Moonglow

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