EC Command Scripts
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Below is a list of some commonly desired script commands. These can be used in two ways:
- Putting each line, exactly as listed, into a “Command” action within a macro (or on a hotbar) – one action per line.
- Adding a single slash (“/”) before each line, and putting that into your chat input box (one line at a time).
For the multi-line commands, you can hold your mouse over each line (on this page, not in game) to get an explanation as to what the individual lines do.
Note that there is a slight delay in between Commands within the same macro, so make sure you wait until every line executes before starting another macro. If you don’t, you will stop the macro before it can complete and you may get unexpected (and in some cases, potentially dangerous) results.
Opening/Closing Commonly Used Windows
Open Tip of the Day
script CreateWindow("TipoftheDayWindow", true)
Open Bug Report Window
script MainMenuWindow.OnOpenBugReportItem()
Open/Close Your Paperdoll Window
script MenuBarWindow.TogglePaperdollWindow()
Open Debug Window
script WindowSetShowing("DebugWindow", true)
Open Settings Window at the Legacy Tab
script MainMenuWindow.OnOpenUserSettings() script SettingsWindow.OpenLegacyTab()
Hide Play Window Border
Note: Effectively prevents resizing and moving of the play window. You will need to re-run this command every time you log in.
script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", false )
Show Play Window Border
Note: Allows resizing and moving of the play window again. You will need to re-run this command every time you log in.
script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", true )
Open/Close Your Backpack
script MenuBarWindow. ToggleInventoryWindow()
Clear Your Target
script TargetWindow.ClearPreviousTarget()
Adjusting the Object Handle Filter
Dynamic Objects
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eDynamicFilter script UserSettingsChanged()
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eCorpseFilter script UserSettingsChanged()
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eNPCFilter script UserSettingsChanged()
NPC Vendors
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eNPCVendorFilter script UserSettingsChanged()
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.objectHandleFilter = SystemData.Settings.ObjectHandleFilter.eMobileFilter script UserSettingsChanged()
Adjusting Sound Settings
Turn Sounds Off
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = false script UserSettingsChanged()
Turn Sounds On
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = true script UserSettingsChanged()
Turn Sounds On
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled = not SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.enabled script UserSettingsChanged()
Lower Volume by 10%
Note: The numerical display on the settings window may become inaccurate until logging out and back in after using this macro.
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume = math.max( SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume - 0.1, 0 ) script UserSettingsChanged()
Raise Volume by 10%
Note: The numerical display on the settings window may become inaccurate until logging out and back in after using this macro.
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume = math.min( SystemData.Settings.Sound.master.volume + 0.1, 1 ) script UserSettingsChanged()
Toggle Footsteps
script SystemData.Settings.Sound.footsteps.enabled = not SystemData.Settings.Sound.footsteps.enabled script UserSettingsChanged()
Changing Other Settings
Toggle Foliage Display
script SystemData.Settings.Resolution.displayFoliage = not SystemData.Settings.Resolution.displayFoliage script UserSettingsChanged()
Toggle legacy containers On/Off
Note: Just like changing the setting in the settings window. this will not toggle containers already open.
script SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers = not SystemData.Settings.Interface.LegacyContainers script UserSettingsChanged()
Toggle Always Attack
script SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.alwaysAttack = not SystemData.Settings.GameOptions.alwaysAttack script UserSettingsChanged()
Misc. Scripts
Note: If you’re not mounted it will toggle your paperdoll.
script UserActionUseItem( WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId, false )
Announce Your Current Facet
script _facetLbl = GetStringFromTid( UORadarGetFacetLabel( WindowData.PlayerLocation.facet ) ) script SendChat( L"We are currently in the ".._facetLbl..L" facet." )
Create Mobile Healthbar for Current Target
Note: Creates the healthbar in the top-left corner of the screen. See next command for moving it elsewhere.
script UserActionUseItem( WindowData.PlayerStatus.PlayerId, false )
Create Mobile Healthbar for Current Target near Mobile
script _mobID, _x = WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId, MobileHealthBarWindow.CreateHealthBar(WindowData.CurrentTarget.TargetId) script AttachWindowToWorldObject(_mobID, "MobileHealthBarWindow".._mobID) script DetachWindowFromWorldObject(_mobID, "MobileHealthBarWindow".._mobID)
Toggle “UI Freeze”
Note: This effectively locks (or unlocks) the play window, status window, chat windows, and menubar. You will need to re-run this set of commands every time you log in.
script Debug.PrintToChat(L"UI (Un)Freezing...") script _doFreeze = _WindowGetShowing( "ResizeWindow" ) script WindowSetShowing( "ResizeWindow", not _doFreeze ) script WindowSetMovable( "StatusWindow", not _doFreeze ) script ChatWindow.LockWindow( _doFreeze ) script WindowSetMovable( "MenuBarWindow", not _doFreeze ) script WindowSetMovable( "MenuBarWindowMinimized", not _doFreeze ) script Debug.PrintToChat(L"UI Frozen? "..StringToWString( tostring(_doFreeze) ) )
script BroadcastEvent( SystemData.Events.LOG_OUT )
Zoom the Radar Map
Note: You can change the -50 to a different number to zoom different amounts. Make it positive and you will change the zoom in the opposite direction.
script MapCommon.AdjustZoom(-50)
Set the game window size to 1200×809
Note: 809 height used to be the magic number to make legacy art render at a 1:1 scale. This is no longer true, but this command can still be useful to get your game window to be the exact size that you want – just change the 1200 and 809 numbers to the size you want.
script ResizeWindow.SendViewportData(1200,809)
Change Heal/Cure buttons for Party Healthbars to Chivalry Spells
Note: You will need to re-run this command every time you log in.
script MobileHealthBarWindow.Spells = { Heal = 202, Cure = 201 }
Commands written by Ash, Beastmaster, BTeng_Mythic, Gildar, Maplestone, R Traveler, and Tullymars
Last modified: March 27, 2011