Historic – Brigand’s Den Rune Library
Return to: Lake Austin
Last Visited by El of LA – December 30, 2005
Coordinates: 8° 26′ S, 34° 1′ W – Trammel
Toben operates a full-service rune library to serve your every need. A special feature of this rune library is its first floor full of quest and UO skills-raising books, guides, and walk-throughs. The shelves are color-coded to make looking for the right rune easier.
The Brigand’s Den is located just South of the Brigand Fort off the road near the Britain/Skara Brae/Yew crossroads at 8o 26′ S, 34o 1′ W in Trammel.
Toben regularly adds runes to the library. Pick up a rune from a bank, or find your way to the Brigands’ Fort and the Brigands’ Den Rune Library. You will find it is a handy resource for all the players of Lake Austin!
First Floor: Locations for skill gains, guides, and written walk-throughs.
Second Floor: Trammel Runes.
Third Floor: Felucca, Malas, Tokuno Runes.
Fourth Floor: The Brigand’s Den!
Last modified: August 7, 2011