Historic – The Lake Austin New Player Center
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Last Visited by Elves of Lorien – Feb 03 2004
The New Player Center held a special place in Aurora’s heart even from the very beginning. She recalls, “I remember Daria posting that she was looking for some items to decorate and donations for the new player center. It was around the same time that Dontae and I got the Lake Austin chapter of THB going too. The main reason for me getting involved with THB was to start something with a sense of community on this shard. So when I saw Daria’s post, I jumped at the chance to donate and help out. I think I was just as excited about it as she was!”
Then last fall, when Daria’s alter-ego, Eryn Darkthorn, accepted the position of shard reporter, she felt she could not devote the time to the Center that it deserved. Because of Aurora’s enthusiasm for its purpose, she gladly took over operation of the Center at Daria’s request. Her devotion to carrying on Daria’s legacy to Lake Austin is a sincere commitment. “I’ll keep the place going as long as I’m playing or as long as UO lives, whichever comes last,” Aurora states.
The purpose of the New Player Center is to assist players who are new to the game, or are new to the Lake Austin Shard. Aurora explains, “Many of us can remember being new and how difficult it can be to get established. Starting UO for the first time can be quite intimidating and just learning the game mechanics can be a challenge. Having someone to help you out with learning the game can be a great help. That’s what we’re here for!” Aurora also points out that even veteran players can face difficulties when starting over on a new shard. The New Player Center is there to help get them on their feet as well.
Items which are made available to players needing assistance include tools, armor and weapons, spell books, rune books, potions and regs, and various other necessities. Runes are also available to helpful training locations, vendor malls, and other player-run establishments. In addition, the second and third floors of the center offer skill training equipment, and players can find Mentors willing to assist them with skill training listed in a special book on the first floor counter. Potential mentors are asked to sign the book with their contact information and what skills they are willing to train.
A guildstone is also available for anyone who wants to be seen as an emisary of the New Player Center and aren’t already in a guild.
In addition to being a helpful place for new players, the Center is also available as a public venue for parties or guild events. In fact, Daria threw this reporter a spontaneous birthday party at the Center shortly before her departure. It was the perfect size for a large gathering, the atmosphere was wonderful, and that night will always hold a special place in my memory. “Daria and Rose did a wonderful job with the design and decoration of the place and the roof is just great for these things! We recently used it to hold a guild event night for LCL and it worked out perfectly. We were even able to use the stage area as an arena for Golem Wars!” Aurora mentions that no fee is charged for the use of the Center, however she requests that reservations be made to avoid any conflicting events.
Last modified: August 7, 2011