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Command Effect

The banker will tell you the amount of gold in your bankbox.
“Bank” The banker will open your bankbox for you.
“Check (amount)” If you have the gold specified in your bank, a bank check of that value will be placed in your bank box and the gold will be removed. (between 5,000 and 1,000,000 gold)
“Withdraw (amount)” Will place (amount) of gold from your bankbox in your backpack, if possible.
Command Effect
“News” The barkeep will give a scenario hint, just like a town crier.
giving money Amounts of gold under 50 gold will cause the Barkeep to speak this rumor. Amounts over 50 gold will be returned.
Will only work if the owner did indeed give the barkeep a rumor to spread.
saying a keyword The Barkeep will respond to a maximum of three keywords. Owners can set the keywords the Barkeep will respond
to and the response the Barkeep will give.
Command Effect
“I am Sheriff” This command allows the Faction Sheriff to perform his official duties, such as hiring faction guards.
“I honor your leadership” If the giver has 10 or more kill points, this will transfer kill points from one faction player to another
in the same faction. Giver will lose 5 kill points, receiver will gain 4 kill points. One point is lost in the transfer.
“I wish to access the city treasury” The faction Finance Minister is able to access the town finance options by speaking this out loud.
“Message faction” The faction Finance Commander is can send a message to all online members in his faction. There is a limit
of one message per hour.
“Orders” – “Attack [faction]” When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will attack members of the named faction on sight.
“Orders” – “Follow” When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will follow the faction member and thus protect him.
“Orders” – “Ignore [faction]” When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will ignore members of the named faction
“Orders” – “Patrol” When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will patrol the area he is in at that moment.
“Orders” – “Warn [faction]” When said in sequence to a faction guard, the guard will warn when members of named faction are around.
“You are fired” When said by the Faction Commander to a faction  guard, this command will dismiss the NPC.
Command Effect
“I would like to cross” This will tell the Skara Brae ferryman to take you across the water to the mainland, or back. (In fact any
sentence with the word “cross” in it will work)
Good / Evil
Currently the Good/Evil system is only available on the Siege Perilous shard
Command Effect
“I am evil incarnate” When said at a shrine will dub you an Evil person.
“I will defend the virtues” When said at a shrine will turn you into a Hero.
“I invoke my evil powers” Brings up a menu of speech triggers for Evil abilities. Can only be used by Evil.
“I invoke my good powers” Brings up a menu of speech triggers for the Hero’s abilities. Can only be used by Heroes.
Command Effect
“I resign from my guild” Will remove you from the guild and the guildstone.
This command can be given anytime, anywhere.
Command Effect
“(Name) come” Summons the hireling to your location.
“(Name) drop” Drops everything it’s carrying to the ground.
“(Name) follow” Follows targeted being.
“(Name) follow me” Follows you.
“(Name) friend” Treats targeted player as another owner.
“(Name) guard” Will guard the targeted item or being.
“(Name) guard me” Will guard you.
“(Name) hire”,”(Name) mercenary”,

“(Name) servant”,
“(Name) work”
Responds with how much it will cost to hire
“(Name) kill”,

“(Name) attack”
Attacks targeted being.
“(Name) move” Makes the hireling move away so you can pass.
“(Name) patrol” Roves between two or more guarded objects/beings.
“(Name) report” Responds with how they feel about their job.
“(Name) stay” Stops and stays in current spot.
“(Name) stop” Cancels any current orders to guard or follow.
“(Name) transfer” Transfers complete ownership to targeted player.
Command Effect
“I ban thee” Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command. It will bring up a targeting cursor to ban
and eject someone. Friends and owners cannot be banned. By doing this, the person banned will be added to the banned list that
is accessible from the house sign menu. There is a limit of 50 banned people per house.
“Remove thyself” Friends, co-owners and owners of a house can issue this command. It will bring up a targeting cursor to eject
someone. Friends and owners cannot be ejected. The targeted individual will be sent outside the house, 3 tiles from the door.
“I wish to lock this down” Locks an item down in your house. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.
“I wish to release this” Removes lockdown and secure status on an item.
Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command. note: as of publish 80 a context menu command ‘retrieve’ will simultaneously release and retrieve locked down and secured items, placing them in the character’s backpack.
“I wish to secure this” Locks down a container in your house and makes it secure. Only the owner and co-owners can issue this command.
“I wish to unsecure this” This command has been disabled, use the release command instead.
“I wish to place a trash barrel” Will place a trash barrel inside a house, at the position where you are standing. Only the owner or co-owner
can issue this command. Owners, co-owners and friends can put trash in the barrel. After 3 minutes the trash will be deleted.
Command Effect
“mu” When spoken at the Shrine of Compassion, Karma will be unlocked.
“ahm” When spoken at the Shrine of Honesty, Karma will be unlocked.
“summ” When spoken at the Shrine of Honor, Karma will be unlocked.
“lum” When spoken at the Shrine of Humility, Karma will be unlocked.
“beh” When spoken at the Shrine of Justice, Karma will be unlocked.
“cah” When spoken at the Shrine of Sacrifice, Karma will be unlocked.
“om” When spoken at the Shrine of Spirituality, Karma will be unlocked.
“ra” When spoken at the Shrine of Valor, Karma will be unlocked.
“bal” When spoken at the Chaos Shrine, Karma will be locked.
Murder Status
Command Effect
“I must consider my sins” This will show your short term and  long term murder count.
Command Effect
“(Name) join” Can be used with NPC guildmasters. They will respond with the amount of money you have to pay them to join
that guild. Right after that just drop the money on the NPC to join.
“(Name) quit” Can be used with NPC guildmasters. This will remove you from an NPC guild, however you must have been in the guild for at least one week (48 full real life hours in-game).
“(Name) move” The NPC will step aside or away from you.
“(Name) time” The NPC will tell you the current time.
“(Name) where is [Town | Shop | Building
| Player]”
The NPC will give you directions to the town, shop, building or player you asked him about, if he knows the location.
“(Name) train” Can be used with almost any NPC. They will respond by telling you what skills they can teach you (if any).
“(Name) train (skill)” Say this to an NPC that has indicated it can teach that skill. The NPC will respond by telling you how much it will cost you to recieve training in that skill, or it will tell you it cannot teach you more than you already know of that skill.
Command Effect
“(All/Name) come” Summons all or one pet to your location.
“(Name) drop” Drops everything it’s carrying to the ground, only works with bonded pets
“(Name) follow” Follows targeted being.
“(All/Name) follow me” Makes all or one pet follow you.
“(Name) friend” Treats targeted player as another owner.
“(All/Name) guard me” Makes all or one pet guard you.
“(Name) kill”,

“(Name) attack”
Attacks targeted being.
“(Name) release” Releases pet back into the wild (undoes taming).
“(All/Name) stay” All or one pet will stop and stay in current spot.
“(All/Name) stop” Cancels any current orders to guard or follow.
“(Name) transfer” Transfers complete ownership to targeted player.
Command Effect
“OM OM OM” When chanted on the stairs of the Shrine of Spirituality this will teleport you to the Ankh.
Command Effect

The stablemaster will give you back the pet(s) you stabled with him.
“Stable” “stall” Will bring up a targeting cursor. Click on the pet you want to stable.
 “Claim list”  Will bring up a list of all pets the character has stabled, from which you can select one.
 “stablecount”  Will report how many stable slots are occupied – eg 2/4 stable slots used.
Command Effect
“Doracron” Will activate the Serpent Pillars in the sea in Britannia and teleport you to the sea in the Lost Lands.
“Recdu” Will activate the teleporter in the north mage shop in Moonglow and teleport you to the mage shop in Papua.
“Recsu” Will activate the teleporter in the mage shop in Papua and teleport you to the north mage shop in Moonglow.
“Sueacron” Will activate the Serpent Pillars in the sea in the Lost Lands and teleport you to the sea in Britannia.
Tillerman, Navigation by hand
Command Effect
“(Direction*)” Move ship in desired direction.
“Drift left”,


Moves ship to the left.
“Drift right”,

Moves ship to the right.
“Drop anchor”,

“Raise anchor”
Toggles ship movement on or off.
“Furl sail”,

Stops current ship movement.
“One (direction*)”,

“(Direction*) one”
Moves ship one tile in desired direction and stops.
“Slow (direction*)” Moves ship slowly in desired direction (see below for possible directions).
“Turn around”,

“Come about”
Turns ship around and proceeds.
“Turn left”,


Rotate ship left. Changes the orientation of the ship.
“Turn right”,

Rotate ship right. Changes the orientation of the ship.
“Unfurl sail”,

Moves ship forward.
* Directions: Forward left, forward right, backward left, backward right, back left, back right, backwards, backward, back.
Tillerman, Navigation by map
Command Effect
“Continue” Resume plotted course after stopped.
“Furl sail”,


Stops current ship movement.
“Goto (#)” Sail directly to pin # on map, then continue on remainder of plotted course.
“Nav” Asks tillerman which pin # you are heading to on map.
“Single (#)” Sail directly to pin # on map, then stop.
“Start” Start along the charted course and continue until finished or “stop”ed.
Command Effect
“news” The Towncryer will give you a bit of news, if he has some. Repeat the command to hear the next bit of news.
Vendor (Player)
Command Effect
“(Name*) browse”,
“(Name*) view”,
“(Name*) look”
Will open the bacpack of the vendor for you so you can see what is inside. This acts the same as double-clicking
on a vendor.
“(Name*) buy”,
“(Name*) purchase”
You will get a targeting cursor with which you can select the item you want to buy. If you do not have
enough gold in your backpack the amount will be taken straight out of your bankbox.
“(Name*) collect”,
“(Name*) gold”,
“(Name*) get”
If you are the owner of the vendor, he will give you the gold he is holding. The amount will be in gold
if less than 5000, or as a bank check if 5000 or more. The largest check one can receive is for one million gold, if the vendor
holds more than that another request has to be made by the owner to collect the rest.
“(Name*) dismiss” If you are the owner of the vendor, he will terminate the contract of employment with you. The Vendor will
self-destruct, leaving no corpse. Any items or gold he is holding will not be reimbursed, so remove all tiems and issue a “collect”command first.
“(Name*) status”,
“(Name*) info”
If you are the owner of the vendor, he will tell you how much gold he is holding, how much he costs per
UO day and for how many days he will continue to work for you.
* Name: The actual name of the Vendor, “Shopkeeper”, “Salesman”, “Saleswoman”, “Salesperson” or “Vendor”, or a general  salutation like “hi”, “greetings”, “hail”, “hello”, “hey” or “yo”
Vendor (Shop)
Command Effect
“(Name*) buy” The inventory of the vendor will be shown to you. You can select which items you want to buy. You need to
have the gold for the purchase on you, except when buying for a total of more than 2000gp, i.e. tents, houses, boats, guildstones
or say *a lot* of reagents. In that case the amount will be taken straight out of your bankbox and you receive the item(s)
you purchased in your backpack.
“(Name*) sell” The items in your backpack that can be sold to the vendor will be shown to you. You can select which items
you want to sell. There is a maximum of 5 items per transaction.
* Name: The actual name of the Vendor, “Shopkeeper”, “Merchant” or “Vendor”
Young Status
Command Effect
“I renounce my young player status” Once used the “young” status will be removed from the player. There is no way to reverse this, so be *very* sure if you want to do this.

Last modified: April 7, 2014

2 Comments to “Commands”

  1. How to get rid of the trash can in you house.


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